MH-Innovabuffer ™
Is a novel technology which permits the regulation and the maintenance of a desirable pH of body fluids and skin.
MH-Innovabuffer, based on food grade natural and safe ingredients, was set-up to maintain the pH at standard values, restoring healthy conditions while preserving the physiological environment.
Concentration of H3O+ ions greatly varies in the fluids and tissues of our body and the maintenance of their concentrations is required for preserving the physiological environment.
Concentration of H3O+ ions can be reported as molarity (moles/L) or more commonly the value is transformed in the corresponding -log, which is a integer value, conventionally named pH.
Hence, in water, the concentration of H3O+, 1×10-7M corresponds to pH=7 which is conventionally set as neutral. When pH<7, the solution is defined acid and when pH>7, the solution is basic. As shown in the figure below, pH in the blood varies in a wide pH range, from pH= 1 in the stomach to 7.4 in blood through pH 4.5 in the skin and vagina.
Several endogenous or exogenous conditions can change the pH of our fluids inducing a perturbation of the physiological environment. Our body has some molecular defense to counteract such pH variations (buffer system) but in some cases this can be not enough to maintain the physiological pH values.
MH-Innovabufferis a technology based on food grade natural and safe ingredients, to boost the endogenous buffering system and maintain the pH at standard values, restoring healthy conditions while preserving the physiological environment.
Ingredients of MH-Innovabufferare suitably mixed in order to set and maintain the pH to the physiological levels, depending on the site of application. MH-Innovabufferhas been designed to control the pH of saliva (pH 6.5-7.5), skin (4.5-5.5) and vagina. An exampleof MH-Innovabuffer: buffering the pH drop in saliva.
Several exogenous and endogenous factors can induce a Reduction of pH in saliva including xerostomia, acidogenic microbiota (capable of producing acid from carbohydrates) and alteration and diet rich in acid food.
The maintenance of saliva pH is of great importance for the oral health because the H3O+ concentration regulates hydroxyapatite integrity, which represents the main component of enamel and dentin, enzymes activity and microbiota.

The Figure shows the effect of MH-Innovabufferin maintaining the physiological pH of saliva above pH 5.5 (the limit to dental erosion) when challenged by the addition of H3O+.