INgredients ®
Il progetto INgredients nasce dal desiderio di rendere accessibile a tutti il mondo nascosto degli ingredienti.

INgredients is a project of Sacco System and tells how rennet, milk enzymes and probiotics are essential ingredients of the most popular foods and beverages and their beneficial action on the health of humans, animals and of the environment.
The IN® brand that you will find on Metis Healthcare s.r.l. products indicates the presence of natural ingredients and 100% Made in Italy, as in the case of the MiMhl5 strain isolated and studied in the laboratories of the University of Milan and produced by Sacco System in its state-of-the-art facilities.
Metis Healthcare s.r.l. manages MiMhl5 under exclusive license and in perfect synergy with its own technologies to maximize its activity in its own health care products.